Conclusion Rhubarb for AOPP can reduce the dosage of atropine and pralidoxime chloride and shorten the healing time in advance. 结论应用大黄治疗急性口服有机磷农药中毒,可减少阿托品及氯解磷定的用量,使治愈时间提前。
Clinical observation for the effects of pralidoxime chloride on intermediate myasthenia syndrome following acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning 氯磷定治疗急性有机磷中毒中间期肌无力综合征
Pharmacokinetics of pralidoxime chloride in acute phoxim-poisoning rats 氯解磷定在急性辛硫磷中毒大鼠体内药代动力学
The neuromuscular transmission effects induced by pralidoxime chloride on rats with acute isocarbophos poisoning 氯解磷定对水胺硫磷中毒大鼠的神经肌肉传导作用
Combined use of anticholine drug with pralidoxime chloride for acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning 有机磷农药中毒治疗中抗胆碱药与氯解磷定的联合应用
Therapeutic efficacy and mechanism of pralidoxime chloride on acute omethoate poisoned in rats 氯解磷定对急性氧乐果中毒大鼠的疗效和作用机制
Cholinesterase ( ChE) activity was dynamically monitored. When the symptoms disappeared, the length of atropinization, the total dosage of atropine and pralidoxime chloride, the recovery time of ChE, the mortality, hospital days, and the incidence of complications were analyzed. 动态监测胆碱酯酶(ChE)活性,观察中毒症状消失时间、阿托品化时间、阿托品用量、氯磷定用量、ChE恢复时间、病死率、住院时间及并发症发生率。